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The slow carb diet, progress made

Well, I've gone from 242.5 to 215.5 pounds in less than two months, and most of it is due to the slow carb diet. That, and walking 3 miles or more most nights.

How has it been? Over all, the best experience I've had losing fat. There have been a couple of days when I dropped a couple of pounds seemingly overnight and felt a little wasted the next day, but it happens. Over all, my energy level is up, I feel better, I look better, and I could swear my hair is growing in thicker as well.

The tough parts, oddly, are the once-a-week mandatory misbehavior days. See, with the slow carb regimen I really don't crave sugar, starches or alcohol, so it rather takes the fun out of misbehaving. But I do it anyway, it's part of the diet. And I suffer for it.

The day after a misbehavior day, my weight usually increases by several pounds. I have little energy. Emotionally, I sometimes am depressed for a day or two afterwards, not binge-eating guilt or anything like that, just over-all depressed. I think it is a manifestation of the change in biochemistry coming from ingesting starches and sugar.

But it works. By mid-week, my weight begins plummeting again.

What's going on here is that with the slow carb diet, my blood sugar stays at an even, low-but-not-too-low level. This means that insulin, the hormone which causes fat to deposit, is also staying low. Glucagon, the hormone that causes fat to burn, is elevated.

This is not a weird, unnatural regimen like the Atkins diet. This is just healthy eating. I plan to keep it up until my abs are chiseled. That may mean another 40 pounds of weight loss, but I'm up for it.


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